October 12, 2018 to June 6, 2019
The Pushkin Friday
The Pushkin Friday musical-literary hall opens its work at the Memorial Museum of A.S. Pushkin. Events are scheduled for the year from October 12, 2018 to June 6, 2019.
2018, September 21
Music Salon "The Party in the Tolstoy Manor"
Music Salon "The Party in the Tolstoy Manor". Odessa Scientists House
2018, September 16
Concert from the series "Voice & Organ" "Inspired by music"
September 16 at the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 14-00 will be a concert from the series "Voice & Organ" "Inspired by music"
Soloists: Laureate of international competitions, project manager Julianna Panchenko (soprano), Laureate of international competitions Ruslan Ennan (bass),
Laureate of international competitions, actress of the Odessa National Opera and Ballet Theater Marina Orlova (soprano),
actress of the Odessa National Theater of Opera and Ballet Lilia Lukovkina (soprano).
2018, August 26
Opera Gala Ukraine
On August 26, 2018, at 15-00, a concert «Opera Gala Ukraine» will take place in the Golden Hall of the Literary Museum Odessa Ukraine.
Soloists: Soloist of the Odessa National Opera Theater and
Ballet Sergey Uzun (bass), Soloist of the Odessa Regional Philharmonic Society Elena Vishenvskaya (mezzo-soprano),
Laureate of international competitions, project manager Yulianna Panchenko (soprano), Laureate of international competitions Yuliya Timakova (soprano),
Nikita Volkov (tenor), Laureate of international competitions Elena Yatsenko (soprano), Winner of international competitions Natalia Stepanova (soprano).
2018, June 6
Concert dedicated to the birthday of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
June 6, 2018 at 14-00 in the Pushkin Memorial Museum a concert dedicated to the birthday of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin will be held.
Soloists Winner of international competitions Julianna Panchenko (soprano, project manager), Winner of international competitions
Tatyana Yakimova (soprano), Winner of international competitions Oksana Chayka (mezzo-soprano), Artist of the Odessa National Opera and Ballet
Theater Maxim Moroz (baritone),
Artist of the Odessa National Theater Opera and Ballet by Mikhail Gazin (tenor).
2018, June 2
The Opera Gala Italia concert
On June 2, 2018, at 15-00, the Opera Gala Italia concert will take place in the Great Hall of the Bulgarian Center.
Soloists: Soloist of the Odessa National Opera and Ballet Theater Marina Godulyan (mezzo-soprano), Soloist of the Odessa National Opera and Ballet Theater
Alexei Gruzin (baritone), Winner of international competitions Yulianna Panchenko (soprano)
Winner of international competitions Yulia Vakulovich (soprano), Winner of international competitions Vitaly Onchulenko (tenor)
2018, Aprile 15
Recital «Laudate pueri Domine»
Recital «Laudate pueri Domine»
Soloists: Solois of Odessa national Opera &Balet Theatre MARINA GODULYAN( mezzo-soprano) YULIANNA PANCHENKO (soprano), NIKITA BEREZNYAK(bariton),MIKHAIL GAZIN(tenor), POLINA CHAYKA(voilin),VIOLETTA AJVAZIAN (flute).
Soloists: Solois of Odessa national Opera &Balet Theatre MARINA GODULYAN( mezzo-soprano) YULIANNA PANCHENKO (soprano), NIKITA BEREZNYAK(bariton),MIKHAIL GAZIN(tenor), POLINA CHAYKA(voilin),VIOLETTA AJVAZIAN (flute).
2016, November 6
Opera Recital "Opera duets"
Opera Recital "Opera duets" will be held in the Golden Hall of Literature Museum
2016, September 10
Classical music concert "Autumn festival" in the Lutheran Church Hall
Concert of vocal music
"Autumn Opening Day" was held in the hall of the Evangelical Reformed Church, 62 Pasteur
2016, August 17
Fourth annual classical music concert "Summer caprice" in Odessa House of Scientists
The fourth annual concert
vocal music "Summer caprise" was held in the Green Hall House of Scientists.
All news
2015, December 24
Marry Cristmass Concert in the Golden Hall of Odessa Literary Museum 2015, December 24
Marry Cristmass Concert in the Golden Hall of Odessa Literary Museum. On the photo:
Laureat International Competitions Yulianna Panchenko (soprano) and
Laureat International Competitions Olga Chistova (accompanist)
2015, December 14-17
Third International Conference City-Sister Germany&Ukraine(Berlin, Germany)
Member of Third International Conference City-Sister Germany&Ukraine(Berlin, Germany)
2015, October 22
Classical music concert in the Golden Hall of Odessa Literary Museum
Classical music concert was held in the Golden Hall of Odessa Literary Museum.
Laureat of international competitions Yulianna Panchenko
participated at the concert.
On the photo: Yulianna Panchenko(soprano) ,Elena Voronkevich, concertmaster Natalia Izugrafova and Darya Malysheva(soprano).
2015, October 16-18
The third international contest-festival "Music of the solar city"
The third international contest-festival "Music of the solar city" of young
performers was held in Odessa. Laureat international competitions
Yulianna Panchenko was invited to the festival as a jury member.
2015, September 26
Annual Ball of Travel Companies of Odessa
Annual Ball of Travel Companies of Odessa held in the Odessa Shustov Museum, where
the winners were announced in 2015 in the category "Best Tour Operator in Odessa,"
"The best restaurant in Odessa" . Laureat of international competitions
Yulianna Panchenko (soprano) was invited as a guest of the event.
2015, 28 June
The third annual classical
music concert "Summer caprice"
music concert "Summer caprice"
In Odessa House of Scientists, the third annual classical
music concert "Summer caprice" The concert have sounded
masterpieces of world opera classics.
music concert "Summer caprice" The concert have sounded
masterpieces of world opera classics.
2015, 25 June
Concert of baroque music "Pearls of the Baroque"
In Odessa Home Health Care Workers held a concert
of baroque music "Pearls of the Baroque" The jewels of baroque music by Scarlatti, Purcell, Vivaldi, Handel and many others have sounded in the concert.
of baroque music "Pearls of the Baroque" The jewels of baroque music by Scarlatti, Purcell, Vivaldi, Handel and many others have sounded in the concert.
2015, 23 April
Charitable concert in the Ñoncert Hall of MC “Hopefulness”
Charitable concert
in the Ñoncert Hall of MC “Hopefulness” Odessa Concert classical music ,one of the several concerts of "Easter Mitings".
Ludmila Filipchuk-sponsor of MC “Hopefulness” Odessa
Yulianna Panchenko-Laureat of International Contests(Soprano)
Maxim Moroz -Laureat of International Contests(Baritono)
Natalia Izugrafova -pianis
Ludmila Filipchuk-sponsor of MC “Hopefulness” Odessa
Yulianna Panchenko-Laureat of International Contests(Soprano)
Maxim Moroz -Laureat of International Contests(Baritono)
Natalia Izugrafova -pianis
2015, 21 April
Johann Strauss "Die Fledermaus" Dnepropetrovsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre
Dnepropetrovsk Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Anniversary performance — 40 years on the theater stage
Johann Strauss "Die Fledermaus"
Vienner classical operetta in 3 acts
Rosalind — Yulianna Panchenko / guest
Heinrich — Aleksandr Sergeev,
Honored artist of Ukraine
Adele — Natalya Dekonenko
Falk — Samvel Adamyan
Alfred — Timuras Parulava
Conductor — Aleksandr Kulishov
Anniversary performance — 40 years on the theater stage
Johann Strauss "Die Fledermaus"
Vienner classical operetta in 3 acts
Rosalind — Yulianna Panchenko / guest
Heinrich — Aleksandr Sergeev,
Honored artist of Ukraine
Adele — Natalya Dekonenko
Falk — Samvel Adamyan
Alfred — Timuras Parulava
Conductor — Aleksandr Kulishov